Site icon Across many a bad night*

Billion dollars to buy presidency while homeless people die

Bloomberg could save homeless


I try and avoid getting into politics for the same reason I avoid going into a rat-infested building.

But former New York City mayor and presidential candidate Mike Bloomberg warrants a comment.

Bloomberg, who is worth more than $50-billion, will spend more than one billion dollars in what inevitably will be a failed attempt to “buy” the U.S. presidency. Mark my words.

Can you imagine the good he could do with that billion dollars!

Every night in America there are more than a 700,000 people — men, women and children, in many cases whole families — trying to survive on the streets, in alleyways, in abandoned cars, under freeway overpasses and in “tent cities.” That number is an extremely low estimate — in reality there are more likely twice that number.

Bloomberg’s billion dollars could provide housing for many thousands of these homeless Americans. 


Bloomberg, a publishing tycoon, donates just seven percent of his personal worth to different causes, including the opioid crisis, gun control, the arts, and the environment — but for some reason homelessness seems not to be one of them.

Helping the homeless takes precedence over one little man’s futile campaign to be president of the United States.

Since beginning his campaign in November, Bloomberg has spent more than $250 million on TV ads — including $10-million for a Super Bowl spot.

All the ads are doing, by the way, are annoying people and turning off voters — especially during the Super Bowl which people watch to get away from politics.

Meanwhile, more than one hundred homeless people will die on Super Bowl Sunday.

You gotta have a home!

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