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The Tragedy of King Donald

Trump story Shakespearian tragedy


President Trump’s story is the stuff of Shakespearian tragedy. The King, adored by the lowly masses, loathed by the elite.

The Bard would have had a field day with the spectacular rise and the humiliating fall of Donald Trump.

He was placed on the throne after an uprising of ruffians, a rowdy crowd of Irredeemable Deplorables who hated the Establishment. They installed a Common Man — a rich man but a rebel — into the highest office in the land, into the seat of great power.

He ruled ruthlessly but effectively. His brash, rash, politically incorrect actions knocked the hell out of Washington like a wrecking ball.

And he got results. He brought jobs back to America and racked up the highest employment numbers in decades, including among minorities and women.


The stock market soared to record levels. He bulldozed government regulations like no other president had ever done or even dared.

He turned a weakened military into the most powerful force in human history with weapons of unimaginable destruction. His soldiers — his warriors — wiped out the dreaded and feared Isis and killed the world’s leading terrorists. He won the freedom of American prisoners in hellhole jails in the Middle East.

The troops loved him but the generals did not because he brought soldiers home from endless, useless wars — their reason for being. He focused instead on stopping terrorists and illegal thugs from coming into the country.

Veterans loved him because he fought for their benefits and dignity. Huge, filthy rich drug companies — Big Pharma — hated him because he brought down outrageously high drug prices to affordable levels.


He fought for the Common Man every step of the way, sweeping aside the contempt of the liberal elite and its mainstream media minions.

Big Tech — the Masters of the Universe — censored him like no other. He was vilified and despised by snowflakes and scared sheep and robotic automatons.

The masses who elected him stood by him with ferocious loyalty. They would walk through hell for this man, their King.

But in the end, it all came crashing down, demolished by the combined treachery of the corrupt, liberal enemy he had fearlessly battled.

He said it himself at the end of his last re-election rally: “Winning is easy, losing is hard — especially for me.”

If Shakespeare had written his story, he might have seen fit to end it with one last tragic act — the suicide of the King.

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