Site icon Across many a bad night*

Python of pure sex

no money and no credit

“Oh, baby, come on home.”

Guido Michelini showered in the basement of Grand Central Station. Two quarters in the turnstile for a torn towel and a piece of soap with hair on it.

He wasn’t a bona fide bum. The night before he had $400 in crisp new $100 bills in his wallet that he had just withdrawn from an ATM. His last.

He lost them to a  black whore in the Cavalier Hotel on East 36th Street. A black python of pure sex. She charged him $100, and while he was still recovering, she lifted the crisp new $100 bills from his wallet and skedaddled out of there. He heard her yelling “Taxi!” on the street below. That’s when he looked in his wallet. She hadn’t taken any of his ID and had left him with a few $5 and $10 dollar bills, which he thought was very considerate.

It turned out to be damn expensive sex, but almost worth it, in fact he’d say it was worth it, as he showered in the basement of Grand Central Station while men crapped in toilets without doors. He had to laugh.

Collect Call from Giorgio Amani

He had no credit cards with any credit left, but he had girlfriends, and when he was cleaned up and was back in his Giorgio Amani suit, he phoned one of them collect in Los Angeles. He told her tearfully and with appropriate melodrama that he had been robbed by a thug in the night who held a knife to his throat and took his $400 in crisp new $100 bills.

She said, “Oh, baby, come on home.” She said she would put an airline ticket to L.A. on her American Express card. He used part of the cash the python had left him to take a cab to Kennedy Airport. Then he was on a plane heading for the City of Angels. Oh, baby, come on home!

Guido had a couple of such “homes.” He was a loser, but in many ways he was a winner.

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