Site icon Across many a bad night*

A dangerous game with the Nuclear Football

Biden and nuclear war


A confused man with recognizable and increasing dementia has the sole authority to launch a nuclear war.

Even members of his own Democrat party want Joe Biden to give up his access to America’s nuclear arsenal.

The corporate media refuse to report this very real danger. After all, they’re the ones who helped get him elected just to get rid of the evil monster Donald Trump.

Voters elected a man to the highest office in the land, and in fact the world, whose brain is seriously malfunctioning. [Video at bottom, Biden’s Brain] And they knew it.

A vote for Joe Biden was a act of selfish irresponsibility, motivated solely by a psychotic hatred for Trump. What America has now is a serious situation.

This elderly, frail, bewildered man, and this man alone, has the nuclear launch codes.

Even his own Democrats are terrified that he might wake up in the middle of the night in a haze of dementia and punch in a few buttons and BAROOM!

But it’s a no-win situation. Democrats want to take the nuclear codes away from Biden and give them to Vice President Kamala Harris — conjuring up an even more nightmarish scenario. Hideously so.

American freak show

The Democrat Party is furious that Biden didn’t inform Harris he was going to bomb Syria. The party’s ultimate goal is to wrest the presidency from Biden and put Harris in charge.

This has been the plan all along, of course, but Dems are anxious to speed up the process as Biden’s ‘cognitive skills’ get alarmingly worse.

But what seems to have been left out of the Dem Master plan is a large black briefcase.


The ‘football’ contains the codes to launch a nuclear war that would destroy life on earth.

Everywhere the president goes, the briefcase goes, carried by rotating U.S. military aides assigned to the White House.

If the president decides to use the briefcase, he/she would authenticate his/her identity by using constantly changing ‘Gold Codes’ printed on a card known as the ‘biscuit’ that the president carries at all times.

Once the identity is authenticated, the president would then give the order for a nuclear strike to the National Military Command Center in the Pentagon and to U.S. Strategic Command in Omaha, Nebraska.

And they would follow those orders.

Well, then, goldarn it, folks, we’ve got a ‘Dr Strangelove’ situation right there.



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