Praying for spirituality

God is a funny guy

God got even with me today.

Last night, in a satirical post titled ‘Where is God in this crazy world?’ I had him in a psych ward. [See HERE.]

And today — guess what! — I was racked with severe stomach and chest pains, all goddamn day. I couldn’t eat. I couldn’t even have a beer or my nightly dosage of gin. The misery of that!

Finally, only Xanax could somewhat mollify the pain.

Conclusion: God does not have a sense of humor — Oh, damn, I suppose I’ll get hell again tonight for that comment!

Okay, I’ll play along — God does have a sense of humor. He’s a funny guy. I won’t go as far as calling him a clown, as the great religious writer and poet C.S. Lewis did in his book ‘A Grief Observed’, which since the death of my wife has become my Bible.

Lewis wrote: “Is God a clown who whips away your bowl of soup one moment in order, next moment, to replace it with another bowl of the same soup? Even nature isn’t such a clown as that.” [Page 14 of HarperOne edition]

Elsewhere in the book, Lewis asks the question: “Is it rational to believe in a bad God? The Cosmic sadist, the spiteful imbecile?” [Page 30]

Man, it takes guts to write that.

And this guy Lewis [1898-1963] was a Christian!

But I’m taking the easy way out, by releasing God from Psych Ward 3C. He is now free to go about his godly or ungodly business, whichever the case may be.

Just leave me out of it, Lord, and accept the fact I’m out of my gourd.

It is approaching midnight — warily, I turn out the light.

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